Tagged: toughmudder

Ultimate Breakfast~ Heuvos Rancheros Style

So it’s Monday, I love Mondays because they kick off a new week, but dislike them because I start at 5am and finish at 8pm. In this case, I was going to have to put my workout after work which made for an even longer day. 

I ran Tough Mudder Toronto this past weekend on Saturday May 12th and I am proud to say that I have come so far in terms of physical fitness since last August. The race was fun, I completed every obstacle (even the peaked “greased” monkey bars without falling into the water below, thanks pullups and increased grip strength!). Anyways, because of the race I took Sunday off from training and knew that Monday deadlifts were coming. My legs were still stiff on Monday evening when I was leaving work, but after watching the strongest woman at my gym complete 3 sets of conventional deads at 210 for 4 reps I was determined. So I went for it and knocked out 2 reps at 210 (new PR) and decreased appropriately to finish the round. Do my legs still hurt on Wednesday? Hell yes and I’m loving it. I’m dead (pun intended) set on lifting 225 for 1RM by July 1st. Hamstring strength is a saving grace for my shotty knee ligaments, plus I just really like lifting up heavy things.

Back to the purpose of this post, is Monday’s breakfast. I have 2 hours between bootcamps on Monday morning, so I go for a small snack at 5:00am and then make up for missed macros at 7:30am. I was craving hashbrowns and eggs and I had two slices of bacon left in the freezer from a brunch I had hosted the previous week. Heuvos Rancheros was first introduced to me at the New York Cheesecake Factory in Buffalo (of all places) about 5 years ago. My sister ordered it and when it came I could not believe how much food there was (overportioned to say the least) and secondly how had I never thought to put salsa, egg and bread on top of one another? So here it is, my skewed but much healthier version of Heuvos Rancheros. Warning: this breakfast is not timid, it is in your face flavour punch with fat, carbs and protein. Man, I am so glad I’m not a vegetarian anymore.

Image   Step 1: 1/2 medium sized sweet potato cubed (smaller cooks faster), throw it in the frying pan with 1 tsp coconut oil and some Mrs. Dash Original



Side note: Buy this. No added sugar, low sodium and so tasty. Almost like chili sauce and so much better than your average salsa.



Step 2: When hashbrowns are “soft” toss in 2 strips of low sodium bacon and remove hashbrowns. Layer with 1-2 tbsps salsa.



Step 3: While the bacon is cooking boil water for your eggs and drop ’em in with 1 tsp of white vinegar (keeps the whites together) until the whites have firmed but the yolk is runny. Oh, the art of poaching. Don’t worry, it just takes practice!



Step 4: Layer bacon and then eggs. Dot with sirracha and there you have it. 

Layer of texture is as follows:

Smooth and creamy



Crisp outside with smooth inside

Flavour profile: Creamy yolk, salty bacon, sweet salsa, sweet and salty sweet potatoes with an unreal juice to marinate it all at the bottom of the dish.





So if you haven’t guessed, clearly I’m not going to be a food photographer anytime soon. I am however, stockpiling recipe ideas to come up with a clean eating cookbook. SO, try this beast of a breakfast out. I made and ate this dish in under 25 minutes. It’s worth getting up early for. 



xx Meghan